IP Osgoode

Past Events

Bracing for Impact Conference: The Future of AI for Society

9 November 2022 at 9am-4:30pm EST at Osgoode Hall Law School

Read the full agenda and speakers’ bios here.

We are pleased to share with you that the Law Society of Ontario has approved two portions of our Bracing for Impact Conference: The Future of AI for Society on 9 November 2022 for CPD Professionalism hours! “AI for the Future of Legal Practice” and “Ghetto Copyright” each contain 1 hour of professionalism content. “Ghetto Copyright” also contains 30 minutes of EDI professionalism content. The conference overall contains 5 hours and 30 minutes of substantive content.

The conference sold out for in-person registration over a week in advance of the event! The full livestream received over 400 views in its first 24 hours. Other important milestones included:
  • IP Osgoode’s first in-person conference since 2019 and first in-person Bracing for Impact event since 2019
  • Osgoode Hall Law School’s first full-day in-person conference since 2020
  • Konstantinos Georgaras’ first public appearance since becoming CEO, Commissioner of Patents and Registrar of Trademarks of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
  • One of Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua’s “last” public appearances as Mayor of the City of Vaughan
  • Lior Zemer’s first time presenting his talk on Ghetto Copyright
  • Justice Marshall Rothstein’s first official response on the holocaust, in response to Dean Zemer
  • Paul Tsaparis’ first time providing welcoming remarks at an Osgoode event in his role as Chair of the Board of Governors
  • First appearance of SPOT, the robot dog from Boston Dynamics, at York University (or in any law school in Canada)
  • First official launch of the York University Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Society (CAIS) with first appearance of Co-Directors Pina D’Agostino and James Elder and welcoming remarks from VPRI Dr Amir Asif
  • First time the IP Osgoode David Vaver Medal of Excellence in Intellectual Property Law has been awarded in person since 2018
  • Prof. Pina D’Agostino’s & IP Osgoode’s first event hosted since Pina’s recognition as one of Canada’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers by Canadian Lawyer Magazine

IP Osgoode Speaks Presents: Dan Bereskin, “Balancing Freedom of Expression, Copyright and Trademark Rights: Art or Science?”

31 August 2022 at 1pm-2:30pm EST at Osgoode Hall Law School

This event marked IP Osgoode’s first in-person event since February 2020.

The scope of copyright and trademark rights has expanded judicially for decades.  A direct consequence is court decisions that arguably impact adversely on freedom of expression guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Such expansion has encouraged some copyright and trademark owners to become overly aggressive in enforcing their rights when the case for infringement is weak and damage to their rights is fanciful.  This said, there are many wily thieves who repeatedly prey on such rights, and they deserve all the sanctions the law provides.  The issue is how to balance these disparate rights.  In this lecture, Mr. Bereskin discussed how such balance may be achieved, either judicially, by remedial legislation, or both.

Bracing for Impact Webinar Series: AI’s Dirty Footprint

28 June 2021 at 12pm-1:30pm EST / 7pm-8:30pm IST via Microsoft Teams

Click to view and download the Webinar Recording.

Event poster with speaker photos

The Bracing for Impact Webinar series is organized by IP Osgoode, in collaboration with the Harry Radzyner Law School at the IDC Herzliya in Israel and Microsoft Canada, and for this event, we are delighted to  collaborate with Alectra Inc. and its GRE&T Centre.

This timely webinar addressed the environmental implications of artificial intelligence (AI) developments in recent years. AI can be a double-edged sword, and while it can make resources and information more accessible and solve some of our climate challenges, it also requires more energy to use and, as a result, increases our carbon footprint. Our panelists, from a wide range of expertise, looked closely at these issues and discussed ways to foster sustainability.

The event, chaired by Prof Pina D’Agostino, Founder & Director of IP Osgoode, began with welcoming remarks from York University VPRI Dr. Amir Asif and a keynote speech from the Ontario Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Hon. David Piccini, in one of his first speaking engagements since his appointment to the role.

Dr. Aviv Gaon, IDC Herzliya introduced and moderated the panel. Panelists included:

Read more about our speakers here.

The event took place on 28 June 2021 from 12pm-1:30pm (EST)/7pm-8:30pm (IST) over Microsoft Teams.

The IP Lunch Club 2021

IP Lunch Club Logo

Wednesdays from March 3-31, 2021

The IP Innovation Clinic is proud to have partnered with Sandbox Centre to produce this 5-Part lunchtime series. Every Wednesday in March, our Innovation Clinic Fellows presented free virtual information sessions across a wide range of topics relating to protecting IP rights in business, ideas, or products. If you’re a new business owner, entrepreneur, start-up, innovator, or just interested in learning more about protecting innovation and intellectual property, then this series is for you!

Read about each session and watch our recordings here.

Federal Court Hearing: Trademark Registration

February 9, 2021

We had a privileged seat at the Federal Court of Canada Trademark Hearing in the matter of Sim McBurney v en Vogue Sculpted Nail Systems Inc. (Docket: T-435-20). Osgoode Hall Law Students watched this Hearing for an Application for Judicial Review pursuant to s. 56 of the Trademark Act.

The decision at appeal can be found on CanLII.

The hearing was held at Osgoode Hall Law School via Zoom. The Hearing, as well as a special Q&A which followed, ran for approximately 1.5 hours.

Here we are very grateful to Justice Michael Manson, Federal Court of Canada, for making it possible.

IP Innovation Clinic ChatBot Launch Event 

January 29, 2021

With the help of the ChatBot, the IP Innovation Clinic makes IP knowledge more accessible and offers clients valuable IP assistance. 

The IP Innovation Clinic ChatBot, with the funding assistance of ISED, will support the provision of free access to credible IP information in a timely, effective and user-friendly way to help the under-resourced and foster greater innovation in Canadian society.  

The IP Innovation Clinic ChatBot can be found here.

Click here for a full Agenda and Speakers’ Bios.

Watch the full Webinar recording below:

Bracing for Impact AI Webinar Series – Cyber Challenges to Human Rights

December 1, 2020

Click to view the Webinar recording.

The Bracing for Impact AI Webinar on Cyber Challenges to Human Rights is organized by IP Osgoode, in collaboration with the Harry Radzyner Law School at the IDC Herzliya in Israel and Microsoft Canada. The event took place on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 from 12:00 pm to 2.00 pm (EST)  via Microsoft Teams.

The purpose of this webinar is to focus on the interrelationships of countries with technology companies in the areas of national security, the war on terror, and law enforcement. The webinar hosted experts from government, academia, NGOs, and the private sector.

 Click to read Speakers bios .

Bracing for Impact Webinar Series – COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Legal and Ethical Challenges

June 22, 2020

Click to download the Webinar recording.

Click to read IPilogue post about the event.

The “Bracing for Impact Webinar Series – COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Legal and Ethical Challenges”, is organized by IP Osgoode, in collaboration with the Harry Radzyner Law School at the IDC Herzliya in Israel and Microsoft Canada. The event took place on Monday, June 22, 2020 from 10:30 am to 12.00 pm (EST)  via Microsoft Teams. The event took place in the format of a panel discussion featuring scholars from Israel and Canada. This is the first webinar of the series, where we discuss the potential challenges and legal and ethical concerns on the use of contact tracing to help contain COVID-19 outbreaks.

Click to read Speakers Bios.

March 2, 2020IP Osgoode Speaks Series Presents Dr. Luke McDonagh delivering lecture on Copyright & Collaboration in Works of Theatre

Visit Event Page for details

February 3, 2020IP Osgoode Speaks Series Presents Professor Ryan Abbott discussing his new book “The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law”

Visit Event Page for details.

March 25, 2019IP Osgoode Speaks Series ft. Prof. Lior Zemer on “The Fallacy of Constitutional Intellectual Property”
Click here to RSVP.

March 21, 2019 – Bracing for Impact: The AI Challenge – A Road Map for AI Governance in Canada (Part II: Data, Policy & Innovation)
Click here for more information.

February 11, 2019Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Effective Strategies for IP Commercialization and Success. 
Co-hosted by IP Osgoode and The Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Click here for more information.

November 13, 2018 – Intellectual Property Law Considerations for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs
An Innovation Clinic IP information session at the Davisville Workspace – Powered by Activate Space. Click here for more information.

November 12, 2018 – A Child’s Right to be Forgotten: In Search of a Solution
Osgoode’s Journalist in Residence Project by Roxana Olivera. Click here for more information.

October 15, 2018  – IP Osgoode’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

Exactly 10 years to the day IP Osgoode was launched, IP Osgoode held a cocktail reception on October 15 at Osgoode Hall Law School to thank all those who supported IP Osgoode and helped propel IP Osgoode to be one of the top IP and technology programs in the world. 

This milestone occasion was also marked with a celebration of IP in all its creative forms.  There were musical performances by talented Osgoode students, an art exhibition and demonstrations from two clients of the Innovation Clinic.

September 11, 2018 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series featuring Sir Henry Carr on “IP and the Big Picture”

Sir Henry Carr, a judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of England & Wales, recounted some of his experiences, as a QC and then a judge to illustrate that just as no man is an island, no area of law can be viewed in isolation. It is important for judges and advocates to search for principles beyond their own areas of expertise. Intellectual property practitioners have great specialist expertise. Justice Carr argued for the benefits of cross-fertilisation between intellectual property and the general law and compared approaches between the UK and Canada.

July 17, 2018 – “Youth Innovation By Design: Intellectual Property 101, Innovation York & York Region District School Board”, Innovation Clinic IP Education Seminar

The clinic coordinator and two clinic fellows presented an IP awareness session designed for a group of York Region high school students beginning their journey as entrepreneurs.  The session was held at YSpace in Markham.

May 29, 2018 – “Intellectual Property Law 101 and 3D Printing Considerations: York Region District School Board”, Innovation Clinic IP Education Seminar

The clinic supervisor, clinic coordinator, and three clinic fellows designed and presented an IP awareness session specifically tailored for a group of York Region teachers that are deploying 3D printers in their classrooms. The session was held at YSpace in Markham.

May 8, 2018  – “Intellectual Property Law Considerations for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs: Richmond Hill Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC)”, Innovation Clinic IP Education Seminar

The clinic supervisor, clinic coordinator, and three clinic fellows designed and presented an IP awareness presentation. The session included IP information and tips to assist start-ups and entrepreneurs from various industries. The session was held at the Richmond Hill SBEC.

Feb. 2, 2018 – “Bracing for Impact: The Artificial Intelligence Challenge”, conference

The conference – held at the Law Society of Ontario, Donald Lamont Centre, 130 Queen Street West, Toronto – featured a group of internationally renowned AI experts who discussed some of the fundamental questions that arise when machines start to think for themselves. The risks and opportunities that AI presents for ethics and public policy, intellectual property and commercialization, cybersecurity, international risks, and social good were among the topics that conference panelists from government, industry and academia addressed.

Osgoode experts Pina D’Agostino, Professor Carys Craig, Professor Emeritus Jean-Gabriel Castel, Visiting Professor David Lepofsky, Adjunct Professor Bob Tarantino and PhD candidates Aviv Gaon and Ian Stedman were joined at the Bracing for Impact conference by Ian Kerr (U Ottawa), Ryan Calo (U Washington), Ronald Cohn, MD, (SickKids), Deirdre K. Mulligan (UC Berkeley), Maya Medeiros (Norton Rose Fulbright,LLP), Dov Greenbaum (IDC Herzliya), Carole Piovesan (McCarthy Tétrault LLP), Alexandra George (UNSW Sydney), Roy Keidar (Yigal Arnon & Co., former Israeli legal advisor for the National Security Council), Ann Cavoukian (Ryerson U), Victor Garcia (ABC Live Corporation), Matthew Castel (Orion Legal Group and Logos LP), Jutta Treviranus (OCAD U), Brandie M. Nonnecke (UC Berkeley) and Guy Seidman (IDC Herzliya).

The conference was sponsored by York Centre for Public Policy & Law and The Zvi Meitar Institute at IDC Herzliya, and conference supporters, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), McCarthy Tétrault LLP, VPRI Office at York University and The Lassonde School of Engineering. The conference was also funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grant.

Jan. 19, 2018 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Pascale Chapdelaine

New Book: “Copyright User Rights: Contracts and the Erosion of Property”

Nov. 20, 2017 – “Intellectual Property: Fuel for the Fire or Shelf Life of a Banana?”, Symposium in Honour of Professor David Vaver

An event in honour of Prof. David Vaver’s appointment to the Order of Canada. This special symposium highlighted four main themes drawn from Prof. Vaver’s extensive scholarship: overlap and redundancy in the IP system, legislation and reform, users’ rights and the importance of history. The symposium included a distinguished set of participants drawn from Prof. Vaver’s network of former students, colleagues, and research collaborators.

Nov. 3, 2017 – Brainstorming Lunch & Learn: Roxana Olivera, Osgoode Journalist in Residence: “A Girl’s Right to Be Forgotten”

The case in question raises concerns over issues of child victimization and internet-related exploitation, along with issues of ethics, privacy, tort law, medical law, intellectual property law and corporate social responsibility.

Mar. 30, 2017 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Ryan Calo: “The Taking Economy”

Mar. 24, 2017 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Frank Pasquale: “A Rule of Persons, Not Machines”

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video: Archived video available here

Nov. 25, 2016 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Dan L. Burk: “The Discursive Structure of Patent Law”

Nov. 3, 2016 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Dr. Sivaramjani Thambisetty: “Is Patent Law Evasive or Merely Elusive?”

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here

Oct. 3, 2016 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Christopher Buccafusco: “Experiments in Intellectual Property”

Prof. Buccafusco’s research employs empirical social science methods to test fundamental assumptions about how the intellectual property system functions. He discussed his experiments involving creativity incentives, IP ownership, attribution, and sequential innovation.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here

Mar. 9, 2016 – Effective IP Strategy to Drive Innovation Lunch Seminar

IP Osgoode teamed up with McCarthy Tétrault LLP to host a luncheon seminar focused on intellectual property issues in the financial industry sector. This event brought together academics, business people, and lawyers for a discussion of how technological change is transforming the financial service sector and pushing incumbents and disruptors alike to think carefully about their IP strategies.

Feb. 25, 2016 – UNPACK SODRAC: Technological Change and Copyright Tariffs after CBC v SODRAC (SCC 2015) Symposium

This half day symposium was organized by Osgoode and the University of Toronto and focused on the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in CBC v SODRAC. The event consisted of three panels focused on distinct issues in the case, and featured a mixture of practitioners (including some of the lawyers directly involved in the Supreme Court litigation, representing the parties or intervenors) and academics whose work directly addressed these issues (including several whose work was cited by the Court). The Honourable Mr. Marshall Rothstein provided the keynote address.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here, here and here.

Feb. 3-5, 2016 – Orphan Works Licensing Portal Hackathon 

IP Osgoode teamed up with Canadian Heritage to host a hackathon where representatives from different stakeholder groups collaborate together to develop new solutions for a more user-friendly and effective online licensing system for Canadian orphan works.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here, here and here.  Read blog by Margaret Haig, Head of Copyright Delivery at the IPO here.

Mar. 2, 2016 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Abraham Drassinower

New Book: “What’s Wrong with Copying?”

Professor Drassinower is an associate professor at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law, and chair in the Legal, Ethical and Cultural Implications of Technological Innovation. Prof. Drassinower discussed his new book “What’s Wrong with Copying?”, and Associate Dean Carys Craig and Professor Bita Amani provided comments.


Jan. 20, 2016 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Jerry Agar

“I Don’t Care About You”

Jerry Agar is the host of the Jerry Agar Show which launched in 2010 and airs on NEWSTALK 1010 weekdays 9 am to noon. Mr. Agar will be providing his perspective on effectively leveraging broadcast media for your cause.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video:  Archived video available here


Oct. 8, 2015 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Dr. Matthew Rimmer

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Copyright Law, the Creative Industries, and Internet Freedom”

Prof. Matthew Rimmer, a professor of intellectual property and innovation law in Faculty of Law – Queensland University of Technology, discussed the chapters in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement that will affect the creative industries and internet freedom including the intellectual property chapter, the investment chapter, and the electronic commerce chapter.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Archived video available here

Sept. 30, 2015 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: John Weigelt

“Adjusting to the Changed Frame of Reference of our Technology Enabled World”

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video:  Archived video available here

Nov 24, 2014 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein

The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada on the impacts of recent intellectual property related cases.


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video:  Archived video available here

Oct 23 – 24, 2014 – IP Hackathon

On October 23 and 24th IP Osgoode along with its partners and collaborators, Lassonde School of Engineering, Stanford University’s d.school, and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, hosted the first ever legal hackathon of its kind at Osgoode Hall Law School.  The focus of the hackathon was to deconstruct the unnecessarily complex status quo patent system and make the patenting process more navigable and user friendly.


Program: Read the IP Hackathon program here
Read event coverage and commentary here here, here and here


Oct 6, 2014 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Jane C. Ginsburg

Professor Jane Ginsburg (Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law at Columbia Law School) on “The U.S. Supreme Court’s Aereo decision and the U.S.’ international obligation to implement the ‘making available right’: Are we there yet?”.

IPilogue: Read Prof. Ginsburg blog about her talk here
Archived video available here

Sept 29, 2014 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Dr. Emily Hudson

Dr. Emily Hudson (Academic Member and Acting Director of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre) on “Copyright Exceptions as Users’ Rights? An Empirical Critique”.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video:  Archived video available here

Sept 18, 2014 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Professor Graeme Dinwoodie

Professor Graeme Dinwoodie (Professor of Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law at the University of Oxford) on “The Territoriality of Trademarks in a Post-National Era”

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Video:  Archived video available here

Nov 25, 2013 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein
A presentation by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada on Advocacy in IP Litigation in the Supreme Court of Canada.

Webcast: Archived video webcast available here.

Oct 10, 2013 – “User Generated Content under Canadian Copyright Law Symposium”

A full day symposium focused on the legal and commercial aspects of user generated content. Topics for discussion included an analysis of the UGC exception under Canadian copyright law, the interaction of the UGC exception with fair dealing, specific legal aspects of fan fiction and appropriation art, and whether the UGC exception is in conformity with international treaty standards. Representatives from SOCAN, BCE, and Legitimix also provided some insights on the commercial aspects of UGC and practical strategies for minimizing risks associated with UGC.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentaries here, here, here and here.
Video: Archived video webcast available here
Program: Symposium program available here

Mar 22, 2013 – “Sparking Innovation with Students: Examining the Student Role from Invention to Commercialization”

A full day conference co-hosted by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office and IP Osgoode examining the different perspectives on the role of student researchers in commercializing IP and the different policies that have been adopted to provide for the various parties’ interests with respect to that IP.


Program: Read the conference program and speaker bios here
IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here


Feb 13, 2013 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Douglas Pepper

A presentation by Douglas Pepper, VP at Random House Canada and Publisher at Signal/McClelland & Stewart, on Books Are Dead. Long Live Books!


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here.
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here.


Nov 29, 2012 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Roger T. Hughes

A presentation by Justice Roger T. Hughes of the Federal Court of Canada on Advocacy Skills and IP: Observations from the Bench.


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here.
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here.


Nov 27, 2012 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: The Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein

A presentation by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada on Reflections on the Supreme Court of Canada 2012 Copyright Decisions.


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here.
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here.


Sept 13, 2012 – IP Osgoode and OPD Joint Teleseminar on the Copyright Pentalogy from the SCC, Critical Cases Update

Moderator: Prof. Giuseppina D’Agostino, Founder & Director of IP Osgoode
Panellists: Barry Sookman (Partner, McCarthy Tetrault LLP), Casey Chisick (Partner, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP), and Bradley Limpert (Partner, Ridout & Maybee LLP).


Sept 13, 2012 – IP Osgoode Fourth Birthday Celebration

IP Osgoode celebrated it’s 4th year in operation with a bash complete with balloons, delicious cake, and live entertainment from spoken word artist, Anthony Cortese. Dean Lorne Sossin delivered the opening remarks and congratulated Prof. Giuseppina D’Agostino, Founder & Director of IP Osgoode, on her leadership and success with IP Osgoode.

Mar 22, 2012 – IP Osgoode Speaks Series: Robert Levine and Dr. Brett Danaher
Robert Levine, author of Free Ride: How the Internet is Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back
Dr. Brett Danaher, author of The Effect of Graduated Response Anti-Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Study in France

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here.
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here.

Feb 6, 2012 – “OCE Technology Transfer Partnership Forum – Innovation Clinic Presentation”
Ed Fan, Partner of Torys LLP

Click here to view the presentation.

Nov 9, 2011 – “Intellectual Property – Is it Worth Protecting?


Co-hosted with ventureLAB and Miller Thomson LLP, this workshop equipped participants with knowledge of IP strategies. Workshop leaders included Prof Giuseppina D’Agostino, Osgoode Hall Law School and Founder & Director of IP Osgoode, Eugene Gierczak of Miller Thomson LLP and Asad Ali Moten, Osgoode law student.


Oct 21, 2011 – “Can Canada Learn Anything From Europe? European Perspectives on Copyright Law in the Information Era”

This conference was a forum to hear various European perspectives on the copyright issues that countries like Canada face. The event provided an opportunity to discuss and consider comparative and regional approaches emanating from Europe –which contributed to ongoing debates regarding copyright policy in Canada. This conference was attended by a wide‐ranging audience, from government to the academy, from stakeholder organizations to members of the public.

Program: Read the conference program and speaker bios here
IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here (see lecture slides here)
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here



Nov 17, 2010 – ” ‘Say it ain’t so, Joe’: Haydn, Pleyel, and the Two Piano Trios”
Professor Roger Fisher, Department of Humanities, York University


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here (see PDF of lecture slides here)
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here


Oct 28, 2010 – “Patents on Steroids: What Hormones Tell Us About the Evolution of Patent Law”
Professor Graham Dutfield, Professor of International Governance at the University of Leeds


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Archived video webcast available here (Windows Media Video)


Mar 16, 2010 – “Workshop on Media Suppression: Life and Livelihood” 

This unique half-day workshop presented by IP Osgoode and the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime & Security featured experts who discussed issues of libel, digital rights, the role of Internet giants in totalitarian states and legal recourse for the torture, kidnapping and murder of journalists.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Conference agenda and archived video webcast available here

March 4, 2010 – “What is the digital future for the entertainment industry?  A Discussion of Global Opportunities and Challenges”

Frances Seghers, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Government Affairs, Sony Pictures Entertainment

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here

Webcast: Click here

Feb 11, 2010 – “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Commercialization of Intellectual Property” 

This unique half-day conference presented by IP Osgoode and the Hennick Centre for Business and Law featured experts who discussed obstacles and opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators who wish to commercialize their intellectual property.

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Conference agenda, webcast and powerpoint presentations available here

Nov 6, 2009 – “The 2nd Annual Women and IP Roundtable: Finding the Elusive Balance in Intellectual Property”

This full day conference presented by IP Osgoode and the Institute for Feminist Legal studies featured a keynote presentation from Professor Fiona Kay (Sociology Department, Queen’s University) and panels focussed on: private practice, industry and government, and gender issues in intellectual property.

Nov 5, 2009 – “Mapping Online Privacy”
Professor Jacqueline Lipton, Case Western Reserve University School of Law

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here (see Powerpoint slides here)

Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)

Oct 30, 2009 – “Subject Matter Patentability”
Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein, Supreme Court of Canada

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here (see Powerpoint slides here)

Oct 29, 2009 – “A Comparative Analysis of Liability for Keyword Advertising”
Professor Graeme Dinwoodie, University of Oxford

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here (see Powerpoint slides here)
Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)

Oct 22, 2009 – “Voluntary Collective Licensing”
Christian Castle, Managing Partner of Christian L. Castle Attorneys

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)

Sept 18, 2009 – “The Intellectual Property Bargain: Consumer Perspectives in a Global Economy” 

IP Osgoode held a thought provoking conference in which panelists approached patent, trade-mark, copyright law, and its interaction with competition law, from the perspective of consumers.

Apr 2, 2009 – “The Evolution of Copyright Reform in Canada”
Glen Bloom (Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP) delivered a guest lecture in which he discussed how copyright reform has evolved in Canada from a rather esoteric subject as late as the mid 1980s to a grass roots phenomena today.

IPilogue: Read lecture coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)


Mar 23, 2009 – “What’s new at the Copyright Board of Canada?”

The Toronto Intellectual Property Group, in conjunction with IP Osgoode, presented Mario Bouchard, General Counsel for the Copyright Board of Canada as its guest speaker.  Mr. Bouchard spoke about the Board, its role and the challenges it faces as it deals with a wide range of issues such as copyright law reform, tariffs, collective associations and music on the Internet.


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here


Mar 20, 2009 – Commercialization of innovative research: Implementing solutions that work for Canada

IP Osgoode held a conference which featured a variety of multi-disciplinary speakers who will discuss various aspects of IP commercialization, patenting, entrepreneurship and technology transfer. 


IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here
Webcast: Conference agenda, webcast and powerpoint presentations available here


Mar 13, 2009 – Business Method Patents: Bilski and Beyond


IP Osgoode hosted a panel discussion exploring the effect in Canada of recent US business method patent jurisprudence.


Chair: Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, Osgoode Hall Law School


Mar 13, 2009 – 11th Annual Entertainment & Sports Law Conference

IP Osgoode sponsored a panel discussion on: “Copyright in the Remix Era”


Feb 19, 2009 – Osgoode IP and Technology Society’s Annual Career Panel

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here


Dec 11, 2008 – “IP: Perspectives from the Video-Game Industry”
Jason Kee, Director of Policy & Legal Affairs, Entertainment Software Association of Canada

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here


Dec 9, 2008 – “Patent Specifications, Claim Construction and Patent Infringement”
Ron Dimock and Adrian Kaplan, Dimock Stratton LLP


Nov 26, 2008 – “Reforming IP Law: An Obvious and Not-so-obvious Agenda”
Professor David Vaver delivered the prestigious IPI 2008 Stephen Stewart Lecture entitled “Reforming IP Law: An Obvious and Not-so-obvious Agenda” to over 150 attendees in London, UK.

Click here to read the paper he presented. The final version of this paper will be published in (2009) Intellectual Property Quarterly.


Nov 25, 2008 – “Made in Canada: Why creativity and invention must become the life blood of our economy”
Tony Chapman, Founder and CEO of Capital C Marketing Group

IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here


Nov 7, 2008 – Women and IP Roundtable: “Is everything rosy in here or is the glass ceiling tinted pink?”

Chair: Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino (Osgoode Hall Law School)

Nov 4, 2008 – “The Scope of a Patent: Claim Construction and Equivalents”
Lord Justice Jacob (Court of Appeal for England and Wales)

Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)
IPilogue: Read event coverage and commentary here

Oct 15, 2008 – Official Launch of IP Osgoode

The public launch of IP Osgoode took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto in conjunction with the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC).

Mar 5, 2008– “Facing up to Facebook: The Fight for Fair Copyright in Canada”
Professor Michael Geist (University of Ottawa)

Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)


Nov 7, 2007 – “Legal Transplants in the Digital Age”
Professor Peter Yu (Drake University Law School)

Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)


Oct 24, 2007 – “Chocolate, Copyright, Confusion: Intellectual Property and the Supreme Court of Canada”
Professor David Vaver

Webcast: Click here (Windows Media Video)

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