IP Osgoode

IP Osgoode: Call For Applications

The application deadlines for a number of exciting opportunities with IP Osgoode are fast approaching! See below for more information.

Call for IPilogue Editors (Summer 2013)

Deadline: January 31, 2013

The IPilogue is the first blog of its kind populated with entries from student editors at Osgoode Hall Law School and other law schools across Canada and around the world, as well as postings from expert bloggers from across the globe. The IPIGRAM is our weekly e-digest of IPilogue content.

The blog contains comments and thoughts about current pressing intellectual property, technology, privacy and related legal issues and has a wide-ranging following in Canada and internationally from government, industry, academia and from other expert groups and members of the general public.

Many student posts have enabled greater employment opportunities for students, sparked informed debates on various issues, and led to publication in leading journals and a following in a number of law and policy forums.

IP Osgoode invites applications from law students, Osgoode and non-Osgoode alike, for the following summer positions:

Positions Available:

  • IPilogue Editor
  • IPilogue Contents Editor
  • IPilogue Art Editor
  • IPilogue Web Editor

Term: May 2013-August 2013, with a possibility to continue during the 2013-2014 academic year

Click here for more information.


Call for Clinical Fellows (Summer 2013)

Deadline: January 31, 2013

IP Osgoode has partnered with the Ontario Centres of Excellence’s (OCE) Centre for Commercialization of Research (CCR) to create a unique intellectual property (IP) clinical program that will match Osgoode law students with OCE-supported companies. Students help under-resourced clients to secure and protect their IP en route to commercial success. The Clinic’s clientele reflect a diverse range of innovators drawn primarily from the information and communications technology (ICT), biotechnology, and green-technology sectors.

We are seeking law students to provide legal services to organizations that need assistance in their innovation and commercialization activities.

Positions Available: IP Osgoode / CCR Innovation Clinic Fellows

It is expected that the majority of the work done by students will relate to patent law. The remaining time would be spent working on other IP-related needs as they arise, (e.g. assistance with trade-mark, copyright, or trade secret issues). The students’ work during the placement may include:

  • reviewing business transactions involving IP
  • assisting with various steps in the patent prosecution process (conducting prior art searches, reviewing patent specifications)
  • performing freedom-to-operate and clearance searches
  • assisting with various steps in the trade-mark prosecution process
  • conducting legal research

Term: May-August 2013, with a possibility to continue during the 2013-2014 academic year

Click here for more information.


Call for IP Intensive Internships (Fall 2013)

Deadline: January 31, 2013 at 4:00pm

The Intellectual Property Law and Technology Intensive Program (IP Intensive) is a unique program offered at Osgoode Hall Law School that gives students practical, experiential education in a workplace setting for an entire term in lieu of being in the classroom.

The Program begins with 2 weeks of lectures by experts prominent in the IP community. The lectures cover a wide variety of topics, from “ADR and Mediation in IP” to “Business and Economics of IP and Innovation”, from “Pharma and Biotech – R&D and Tech Transfer” to “Digital Media, Journalism and Freedom of Expression”. Students have heard from a Federal Court judge, the Chair of the Trade-marks Opposition Board, General Counsel of the Copyright Board of Canada, counsel from the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner’s Office, in-house counsel from a broad range of industries, practitioners, and of course, academics.

Then students participate in an 11-week internship. We have a wonderful array of placement partners from government agencies to music and media organizations to hi-tech companies and innovation centres. Throughout the term the students meet periodically to discuss topics relating to intellectual property law, to share their experiences in the work environment, and to participate in a cross-pollination of ideas. Students also maintain a reflective journal and blog on the IPilogue. They are also responsible to lead their own seminar presentations during the wrap-up week of the course.

Term: Fall 2013 (15 credits)

Click here for more information. A list of all blogs relating to the IP Intensive Program, including blogs written by IP Intensive students about their experiences or as class assignments, is available here.

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