IP Osgoode

IP Osgoode and Osgoode PD host Joint Teleseminar on Copyright Pentalogy

On September 13, 2012, IP Osgoode will be hosting a joint teleseminar with Osgoode Professional Development. The topic of the seminar will be the recent developments in copyright law as a result of Supreme Court rulings on 5 major copyright cases (known as the Copyright Pentalogy). For IP Osgoode coverage of the Copyright Pentalogy, see here.

These cases will have an impact for years to come on all sides of the copyright industry, including creators, users and intermediaries. The teleseminar panel will be comprised of notable copyright counsel, including those involved in the cases, and will be moderated by Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, Founder & Director of IP Osgoode. The teleseminar will explain the decisions and their implications, along with a discussion of various issues, such as:

  • Sales by download – the Court’s finding that the internet is a “technological taxi”, and the implications of that interpretation
  • Important confirmation of the treatment of streaming content. What will the future look like now?
  • Critical new findings on Fair Dealing:
    • Music download previews as “research”
    • Teacher copying survives: understanding the Court’s analysis, application of the CCH factors
    • The user perspective in assessing research purpose
    • How do these ruling affect our understanding of fair dealing?
    • How far might “research” be stretched?
  • Clarifying the use of previously recorded music in film soundtracks
  • Which previous copyright decisions are no longer good law?
  • What the rulings mean for internet commerce and content
  • Key issues that remain to be determined in future cases
  • How will the new rulings mesh with the pending amendments to the Act?
  • Split decisions: are rival camps developing? How stable is the current state of the law?

Participants will also be given an opportunity to ask questions of the panel. To register for the teleseminar or acquire more details, please see here.

Students of Osgoode Hall Law School who are interested in attending the teleseminar should contact IP Osgoode (iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca).


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