IP Osgoode

IP Osgoode Copyright Conference: Can Canada Learn Anything from Europe?

IP Osgoode is hosting a symposium on copyright on Friday, October 21, 2011.  The focus of the event is summed up in its title, “Can Canada Learn Anything from Europe? European Perspectives on Copyright Law in the Information Era”.

The conference will be held in our nation’s capital, Ottawa, in the sparkling, newly-renovated Ottawa Convention Centre.  With speakers from Europe, the purpose is to hear from their perspectives on various copyright issues. The symposium will comprised of panel sessions that will be interactive in order to foster discussion:

  • Session 1: The Tortuous Path to Reform
  • Session 2: Collective Licensing: Promises and Pitfalls
  • Session 3: Enforcement: Has it a Future?
  • Session 4: Beyond Copyright: Contract and Commerce

We hope that this event will provide an opportunity to discuss and consider comparative and regional approaches emanating from Europe, which will contribute to ongoing debates regarding copyright and innovation policy in Canada.

All copyright law enthusiasts are invited to attend. There is no registration fee.

Please RSVP via email to iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca.

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