IP Osgoode

Canada Day Is The Submission Deadline For Canada’s IP Writing Challenge!

Giuseppina D’Agostino is the Founder and Director of IP Osgoode, and an Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Summer is here and Canada Day is fast-approaching.  This means it’s also time to prepare your submissions to Canada’s IP Writing Challenge!  The submission deadline is Friday, July 1, 2011 (or Canada Day, by way of explanation for our international readers).

Canada’s IP Writing Challenge is a competition held by IP Osgoode and the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC).  Eligible candidates are invited to submit papers addressing an important area in intellectual property law.  Topics can be from within the broad categories of intellectual property law, including patents, trade-marks, industrial design and copyright.  We welcome a range of perspectives and policy approaches, including comparative and international viewpoints.

In the past, we have received entries across various subject areas, with such titles as “The Nature and Justification of the Consumer’s Ownership Rights in the Copy of a Copyrighted Work”, “Obviously Different: Technological Divergences and the Spectrum of Obviousness“, and “La Loi sur la protection des obtentions végétales; entre compétitivité et utopie y a-t-il un avenir pour le modèle?”  We announced the winners for 2009 here and the winners for 2010 here.

One winner will be chosen from each of three separate author categories:

  • Law student category (LL.B, JD, BCL, and LL.L students, including those completing articles and clerkships)
  • Graduate student category (LL.M, S.J.D. and PhD students)
  • Professional category (legal and business professionals who have been practising 7 years or less, including patent agents)

Winners will be awarded a prize of $1,000 (CAD), have his/her work published on the IP Osgoode website (www.iposgoode.ca), and be considered for publication in the Canadian Intellectual Property Review (CIPR) and/or the Intellectual Property Journal (IPJ), relaunched this year under Professor David Vaver’s leadership.

Full details are here, including format details for ensuring the anonymity of submissions.  Submissions should be sent to iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca.

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