IP Osgoode

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: IPilogue Senior Editors & Content Manager (Summer 2022)

We are pleased to announce the call for our Senior IPilogue Team for Summer 2022! If you are passionate about writing or editing, or you are interested in building your presence or being published in IP law, this is a great opportunity for you.

*NOTE: hiring for IPilogue Writers will follow in the coming weeks

Senior Editor (up to 2 positions available)

Senior IPilogue Editors review contributors’ content before it is approved by the Managing Editor and posted by the Content Manager on the website.

Term: May-August 2022 (with possibility of continuing into Fall 2022)


  • Profile on our website with a link to all of your articles
  • Byline with photo on the articles that you contribute
  • Access to forum where you can share ideas with IPilogue Writers


  • Revise, edit, and proofread content from IPilogue Writers and guest writers to ensure both a neutral perspective and high-quality writing
  • Content will be divided between Senior Editors
  • Contribute a minimum of 1 article per month
  • Keep track of content reviewed and update Managing Editor and Content Manager about progress
  • Liaise with Writers about clarifications and corrections needed for articles


  • Exemplary revising, editing, and proofreading skills
  • Strong writing, research, and critical thinking skills
  • Strong organization and communication skills, including providing regular updates
  • Ability to meet deadlines and turn around work quickly
  • Interest in learning about IP law and Technology issues
  • Respect/openness for differing opinions and evidence-based issue analysis
  • Although not required, preference will be given to:
    • Osgoode JD or LL.M students
    • Writers who have actively contributed to the IPilogue in the past

Content Manager (1 position available)

The Content Manager is responsible for preparing all content to post on the website and making sure that we have enough content each week.

Term: May-August 2022


  • Profile on our website
  • Byline with photo on the articles that you contribute
  • Access to forum where you can share ideas with other IPilogue Writers and Guest Writers


  • Preparing articles for publication on the IP Osgoode website (including tags and categories)
  • Finding or preparing images to accompany articles
  • Co-ordinating between Senior IPilogue Editors, Managing Editor, and IPilogue Writers or Guest Writers as necessary


  • Strong organizational skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines and adapt to changes
  • Interest in learning about IP law and technology issues
  • Respect/openness for differing opinions and evidence-based issue analysis
  • Although not required, preference will be given to:
    • Osgoode JD or LL.M students
    • Writers who have actively contributed to the IPilogue in the past

Application Details

The deadline to apply for both positions is Friday, March 25, 2022. To submit your application, please send the following documents to iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca:

  • Cover letter (outline your interest in IP law, as well as your relevant writing/editing experience)
  • Résumé
  • Updated Transcript (unofficial is acceptable)
  • Writing Sample: a 750 word (max) blog article about an IP issue

Please note that all positions are part-time and voluntary. Please include in the subject line which position you are applying for. If you are interested in more than one position, you may tailor your application to the position that you are most interested in, but please indicate all positions to which you are applying.

Please also address whether you would be interested in an IPilogue Writer position should you not be hired to the Senior Team. Applicants selected for a Senior Editor interview will also be required to complete a short editing exercise upon receiving an interview offer.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. We thank all applicants for their interest. We will only contact those selected for an interview.

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