IP Osgoode

The IP Innovation Clinic Presents the first AI-backed CHATBOT

On January 29, 2021 the IP Innovation Clinic is excited to launch its new AI-backed chatbot. This innovative technology is designed to support under-resourced entrepreneurs, innovators, scientists and the creative community across Canada and beyond. Among the many highlights at the launch, will be Nikita Iliushkin, Co-Founder and CEO of Skygauge Robotics, who just obtained $3.3 million in BDC funding during a pandemic. Skygauge Robotics is an IP Innovation Clinic client and an inspiring example of how the Clinic, and its tireless efforts such as the Chatbot, can enable and empower innovators. The IP Innovation Chatbot is AI-empowered and provides answers to legal queries relating to intellectual property for free. Anyone in the world can use it anytime.

The more questions that are fed into the Chatbot the more intelligent it becomes. The Chatbot provides tailored answers using data from previously asked questions as well as pulling information from the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office), USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) and other databases. The only disclaimer is that the information provided is not legal advice and any specific legal queries must be consulted with a legal practitioner.

User-friendly, efficient & accessible

The IP Innovation Chatbot would not have been possible without the leadership of Prof. Pina D’Agostino, her students, and the expert collaboration with Maya Medeiros, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP and Al Hounsell, Senior Knowledge Manager, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP and their team. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) provided the crucial start-up funding through its National IP Clinics Program. The list of collaborators and supporters is long and each one has had an important role to play in bringing this project to reality. Here is the link to the registration page. We encourage you to attend and help celebrate with us!


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