IP Osgoode

Spotlight on the IP Intensive Program

IP Osgoode invites all 1L and 2L Osgoode students to join us at Osgoode’s Clinical Education and Intensive Programs General Information Session and Fair on January 16, 2019 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm.

The information session will kick off in the Moot Court with a brief overview of the application process and an introduction by the Program Directors to the 18 exciting and innovative clinics and intensive programs available for 2019/2020 enrollment.  Following the information session, students will have the opportunity to speak to the Program Directors and past students of the programs at the Information Fair in the Helliwell Centre (room 1014).  Look for IP Osgoode’s booth at the fair where you can find out more information about the IP Intensive Program and speak to former IP Intensive students.

If you want to read more about the different placement organizations and the students’ personal experiences in the IP Intensive then please visit IP Osgoode’s website and subscribe to IP Osgoode’s e-newsletter, the IPIGRAM, where reflective blogs written by students who were enrolled in the IP Intensive program this past fall term will be featured.  The reflective blogs not only provide a personal perspective on each student’s experience but also offer an insider’s glimpse of the types of projects and work culture that each student was exposed to at their respective placement organization.


About the IP Intensive

The IP Intensive is a unique program offered at Osgoode Hall Law School that gives students practical, experiential education in a workplace setting for an entire term in lieu of being in the classroom.

The program begins with 2 weeks of seminars by prominent experts in the IP community.  The seminars cover a wide range of topics, from “Patent Prosecution” to “AI and Big Data”, from “Copyright Reform Collective Administration” to “Internet Policy & IP”.  The seminar guest speakers include judges, representatives from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, ISED and Canadian Heritage, in-house counsel and executive officers from a broad range of industries, practitioners, and academics.

The students then participate in a 10-week placement at an organization.  The Program boasts an impressive line up of placements, from government agencies to music and media organizations to hi-tech companies and innovation centres, click here for a list of participating placement organizations for the fall 2018 term.   Throughout the term the students meet periodically to discuss topics relating to intellectual property law, to share their experiences in the work environment, and to participate in a cross-pollination of ideas.  Students also maintain a reflective journal and blog on the IPilogue.  After the placement period, the students are back at Osgoode to lead their own seminar presentation before submitting their major research paper.


IP Intensive Class of 2018

The 2018 class was treated to a special visit from The Honourable Marshall Rothstein, CC, QC.  Justice Rothstein answered questions prepared by the students and held a candid discussion with the students regarding IP practice and judging.

(Back row, L-R) Prof. Pina D’Agostino, Tyson Carter, Dominic Cerilli, Shira Sasson, Hon. Marshall Rothstein, Stephen Cooley, Alessandro Perri, Wael Louis
(Front row, L-R) Prof. David Vaver, Saba Samanian, Alessia Monastero, Gillian Burrell, Cameron McMaster
(Missing) Daniel Rizzi, Roger Angus

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