IP Osgoode

User-Generated Content Under Canadian Copyright Law

User-Generated Content Under Canadian Copyright Law

Featuring Professor Victor Nabhan
Genest Global Faculty

Thursday October 10, 2013, 9:30am to 5:00pm
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

IP Osgoode and the Pierre Genest Memorial Fund are proud to present “User-Generated Content under Canadian Copyright Law”, a full day symposium focused on the legal and commercial aspects of user generated content (“UGC”) featuring Professor Victor Nabhan, the Genest Global Faculty member for the fall 2013 term at Osgoode Hall Law School.

The symposium promises to be an informative, lively and entertaining one with live performances and demonstrations by various UGC artists and practitioners, followed by presentations by leading experts in academia, the legal profession, and industry.

Some of the topics for discussion include an analysis of the UGC exception under Canadian copyright law, the interaction of the UGC exception with fair dealing, specific legal aspects of fan fiction and appropriation art, and whether the UGC exception is in conformity with international treaty standards.  Representatives from SOCAN, YouTube and BCE will also provide some insights on the commercial aspects of UGC and practical strategies for minimizing risks associated with UGC.

The panel sessions will be chaired by IP Osgoode faculty members, Professor David Vaver, Professor Carys Craig, Professor Ikechi Mgebeoji, and IP Osgoode’s founder & director, Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino.

Lunch will be served.  Please RSVP to www.iposgoode.ca/RSVP (Event Code: UGC) by October 3, 2013.  All are welcome and there is no registration fee.  Click here for more information and the latest version of the symposium agenda.

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6 Responses

  1. Hi Catherine, I can confirm that you are registered to attend in person.

    We have not yet determined whether a live webcast will be possible; however, the event will be recorded and archived on our website under the Events Archive (http://www.iposgoode.ca/events-archive/).

    Our IPilogue Editors will also be blogging about the event.

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