IP Osgoode

IP Osgoode Welcomes Professor Victor Nabhan

IP Osgoode is proud to announce that Professor Victor Nabhan has been selected as a Genest Global Faculty member for the 2013-2014 academic year at Osgoode Hall Law School. IP Osgoode and Osgoode’s Office of the Associate Dean, Research, Graduate Studies, and Institutional Relations have teamed up to make his particular appointment happen.

Osgoode students will benefit from Prof. Nabhan’s extensive experience in the area of international intellectual property law. He taught at Laval University as a full time professor until 1999. He has advised the Canadian Government with respect to the drafting of four revisions of the Copyright Act, as well as the Quebec Ministry of Culture on Copyright matters. From 1999-2005, he served as a WIPO consultant and assisted a number of developing countries in drafting their Copyright laws in compliance with TRIPS, WCT and WPPT. Since 2005, he has been a guest professor at the University of Ottawa, Institut des Etudes Politiques in Paris and Nottingham University in the United Kingdom. Since 1996, Victor is Chairman of ALAI (Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale). And recently, also delivered the closing remarks at our conference “Can Canada Learn Anything From Europe?

While at Osgoode, Prof. Nabhan will be teaching a new course entitled “International and Comparative Copyright Law.” This course includes a presentation of the international legal framework of copyright and related rights protection, with a comparative law approach. Its purpose is to allow an understanding of the origins, foundations, evolution and basic principles of the international intellectual property system. Students will study international copyright treaties, including the Berne Convention, the Rome Convention, TRIPS, WCT, WPPT, etc. Current issues debated at international level will also be discussed, such as copyright exceptions for the visually impaired, the adequacy of the current regime vis-à-vis the needs of developing countries, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), etc.

Also, IP Osgoode is pleased to be working with Prof. Nabhan on an upcoming symposium. Further details on the symposium will be announced in the near future on our website and in our weekly e-newsletter, the IPIGRAM.

If you would like to reach out to Prof. Nabhan while he is here, please feel free to contact iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca.


The Pierre Genest Memorial Fund: the fund was established to honour the memory of Pierre Genest, who died in 1989.  He graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1954 and became one of the finest counsel in Canada, respected not only for his gifts as a lawyer and an advocate, but also for his honourable and generous personal qualities.

The Pierre Genest Memorial Fund supports the invitation of distinguished legal scholars who are integrated into the academic life at Osgoode Hall Law School. The Genest Global Faculty teach a series of intensive workshops, lectures and seminars at the Law School on cutting-edge research topics. Through the Genest Global Curriculum, Osgoode students enjoy a unique learning experience from a comparative and transnational perspective, taught by some of the World’s finest legal scholars.

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