IP Osgoode

Reminder: Canada’s IP Writing Challenge 2013

There are just under two weeks left to submit your entry to our 5th annual Writing Challenge. The winner from each category will receive a prize of $1000 (CAD), publication on the IP Osgoode website, and consideration for publication in the Canadian Intellectual Property Review and/or the Intellectual Property Journal.  The deadline to submit is 5pm, Monday July 1, 2013. Submissions can be sent to iposgoode@osgoode.yorku.ca.

We are looking for thoughtful and well-researched papers on intellectual property and public policy scholarship to enhance our discussion. We encourage a broad range of perspectives and topics can be from within the various categories of intellectual property law including patents, trade-marks, industrial design and copyright.

There are three categories for entrants this year:

  1. Law student category (LL.B, J.D., BCL, and LL.L students)
  2. Graduate student category (LL.M, S.J.D. and PhD students)
  3. Professional category (legal and business professionals who have been practicing 7 years or less, including patent agents and trade-mark agents)

We are pleased to announce that, new to this year’s challenge, the set topic for the professional category is a case note on an intellectual property related decision issued after January 1, 2012.

More details on Canada’s IP Writing Challenge are available at http://www.iposgoode.ca/writing-challenge/.

We look forward to reading your work!

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