IP Osgoode

IP Osgoode: Call for IPilogue Editor Applications

The IPilogue is seeking additional members for its summer editorial team.

Call for IPilogue Editors (Summer 2013)

The IPilogue is the first blog of its kind populated with entries from student editors at Osgoode Hall Law School and other law schools across Canada and around the world, as well as postings from expert bloggers from across the globe. The IPIGRAM is our weekly e-digest of IPilogue content.

The blog contains comments and thoughts about current pressing intellectual property, technology, privacy and related legal issues and has a wide-ranging following in Canada and internationally from government, industry, academia and from other expert groups and members of the general public.

Many student posts have enabled greater employment opportunities for students, sparked informed debates on various issues, and led to publication in leading journals and a following in a number of law and policy forums.

IP Osgoode invites applications from law students, Osgoode and non-Osgoode alike, for the IPilogue Editor position.

Successful candidates will start immediately.   The position will last until the end of August with a possibility to continue on during the 2013-2014 academic year

Click here for more information on how to apply for the position.

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