IP Osgoode

Osgoode Entertainment & Sports Law Association Launches Its Own Blog

Sarah Falzon and Lawrence Schwartz are JD candidates at Osgoode Hall Law School and Co-Presidents of the Entertainment & Sports Law Association at Osgoode.

The Osgoode Entertainment and Sports Law Association (ESLA) recently launched its blog, www.esla-osgoode.ca. The blog was created as an association initiative to give students the opportunity to write about current issues and developments in the sports and entertainment industries, both local and international. Contributors are invited to write about anything current, and are welcome to bring their own opinions and spin to the articles.

As both the sports and entertainment industries are currently undergoing a lot of developments, this promises to be an exciting blog! From collective bargaining agreements, to policy decisions, students are invited to connect the law with the everyday operations of the industries that regularly influence pop culture and consequently society in general. This gives students the chance to read and write about the practical applications of course work in an informal setting – which can be both informative and entertaining.

The blog will also cover entertainment and sports lectures and conferences around the city of Toronto. Finally, there are plans to conduct interviews with industry professionals, providing readers with the opportunity to hear firsthand about what it is like to be a practicing professional in the sports and entertainment industries.

It is still in the early stages, but the hope is to facilitate discussion between law and business students, and eventually draw regular readership and professional contributors.

ESLA plans to update the blog every second Monday with fresh content written by any interested contributors. There will also be a link round-up of the most interesting stories in these industries posted every Sunday.  The blog will also host information on the club’s annual conference and informal events throughout the year.

If you would like to contribute to the blog please email gertner.tom@gmail.com.

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