IP Osgoode

Introducing IPilogue’s 2011-2012 Editorial Team

IP Osgoode is pleased to announce its 2011-2012 IPilogue Editorial Team. As many of you know, IPilogue is the first online review of its kind, featuring thoughtful intellectual property law and technology blog posts by student editors as well as by scholars and experts from around the world. We are an interdisciplinary forum, exploring wide-ranging issues and providing a voice that seeks to fill gaps in the IP debate in Canada.

Returning from their stints as Summer IPilogue Editors are Satomi Aki, Andrew Baker, Jamie Goodman, Mark Kohras, Kalen Lumsden, Brent Randall, Nora Sleeth and Taylor Vanderhelm.  Joining this group are new editors Mark Bowman, Mekhala Chaubal, Courtney Doagoo and Ben Farrow.  Brian Chau is a third-year student who is returning after being an editor in first year and taking a hiatus for a year.

With a wide range of backgrounds from engineering to creative writing, this year’s team brings a rich and diverse mosaic of expertise to the IPilogue.  From first-year students to doctoral candidate to recent graduates now completing articles, our editors run the full gamut of legal experience.  This year’s team includes students from Osgoode Hall Law School as well as from McGill University, the University of Alberta and the University of Ottawa.

Our IPilogue Editors fulfill many roles.  Jamie Goodman, Andrew Baker and Satomi Aki create wonderful pieces of art for the IPilogue and for IP Osgoode more generally.  Satomi also does double duty as the lead editor of the IPIGRAM, our e-newsletter and snapshot of the week’s content on the IPilogue.  Taylor Vanderhelm assists with technical aspects of running the IPilogue and our IP Osgoode website, Kalen Lumsden set up our Twitter presence @IPilogue, Brent Randall and Nora Sleeth have contributed to long-term special projects, and Mark Kohras is currently a foreign correspondent completing an internship at CodeX, the Centre for Legal Informatics at Stanford University.

After only being on the team for a few weeks, our new editors have already done double duty on writing assignments, reported on conferences, provided fast-breaking reports on the new copyright reform legislation, Bill C-11, designed poster mock-ups for our international copyright conference “Can Canada Learn Anything from Europe? European Perspectives on Copyright Law in the Information Era” in Ottawa on October 21, 2011, and will be assisting with our activities at Osgoode’s Grand Re-Opening celebrations on October 16, 2011.

The goal of the IPilogue is to inform and promote an objective, balanced, and interdisciplinary debate about a broad cross-section of IP and technology issues. For more information on our team, please visit http://www.iposgoode.ca/ipilogue-editors/.


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