IP Osgoode

Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy

Matt Lonsdale is a JD candidate at Dalhousie University

Oxford University Press has published a new edition of Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy. The textbook was co-authored by Hector MacQueen, Professor at Edinburgh Law School, Scottish Law Commissioner and member of the IP Osgoode International Advisory Council. While the book is intended to cover a broad range of topics, Canadians may find the chapter on Technical Protection Measures particularly relevant, as the legal protection of TPM’s has been one of the more controversial aspects of the upcoming reforms to the Copyright Act. The book also takes a European focus at times, devoting chapters to the status of intellectual property laws within the framework of the European Union.

From the publisher: “Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy offers a unique perspective on intellectual property law, unrivalled amongst IP textbooks available today. Beyond providing an up-to-date account of intellectual property law, the text examines the complex policies that inform and guide modern IP law at the domestic (including Scottish), European and international levels, giving the reader a true insight into the discipline and the shape of things to come. The focus is on contemporary challenges to intellectual property law and policy and the reader is encouraged to engage critically both with the text and the subject matter.”

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