IP Osgoode

2010-11 IPilogue Editorial Team Announced

IP Osgoode is pleased to introduce IPilogue’s 2010-11 editorial team to the Osgoode community. As many of you know, IPilogue is the first online review of its kind, featuring thoughtful intellectual property and technology law commentary by its student editors as well as scholars and other experts from around the world. As an interdisciplinary forum, we explore issues wide-ranging issues that concern you.

Our team of IPilgoue editors boasts diverse backgrounds and interests. Jolie Cheung, a second year J.D. student, has a Bachelors of Science in Life Science and X-Ray Technology along with experience in the healthcare industry. She is interested in all aspects of intellectual property, particularly biotechnology. Leslie Chong, also a 2L, is fascinated by various intellectual property matters, particularly within the fashion and entertainment industries.

Matt Lonsdale is a third year J.D. candidate at Dalhousie University, with a background in Computer Science and Mathematics. Kyle Lavender is a second year student at Osgoode, with an interest in pharmaceutical patents and biotechnology, who is currently serving as the Finance Officer of the International Legal Partnership. He has a Bachelors of Science in Biology from York University.

Rachel Migicovsky is a second year J.D. student at Osgoode with an interest in genomics and public health, which she developed over the course of her Master’s Degree in Medical Anthropology. Fellow 2L Samantha Schreiber has an interest in copyright, trademark, and advertising regulatory law. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Miami, graduating with a degree in psychology and advertising. Steven Zuccarelli, also a 2L, has a Bachelors of Science and a Masters in Medical Sciences—having investigated novel therapeutics targeted towards allergic disease. He is interested in all areas of Intellectual Property, especially pharmaceuticals, and serves as the Osgoode IP/IT Club’s Vice President External.

Ivy Tsui is a first year J.D. student at Osgoode with an interest in biotechnicological and pharmaceutical innovations, who obtained a PhD specializing in cancer genomics and genetic engineering at the University of British Columbia. Daniel Whalen is also in his first year, having earned his undergraduate degree in biochemistry and previously worked in medical technology market research.

This year, our online review is also pleased to welcome three Executive Editors: Stuart Freen, Nathan Fan, and Essien Udokang. Stu is a third year J.D. candidate with experience in software design and an interest in copyright, open source, piracy and counterfeiting law. Nathan, also a third year student, has a keen interest in Biomedical Science, Political Science, and Music and Entertainment Law. Essien is a recent graduate of Osgoode, and a past recipient of the Bereskin & Parr prize in Patent Law. He is currently articling at Torys LLP, pursuing his strong interest in Intellectual Property Law.

This enthusiastic group plans to keep us all better informed and thus promote a wide-ranging, substantive, and interdisciplinary debate about a broad cross-section of IP and technology issues. For more information please visit http://www.iposgoode.ca/ipilogue-editors/.

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