IP Osgoode

The 2009 Harold G. Fox Moot

Giuseppina D’Agostino is the Director of IP Osgoode and an Assistant Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Osgoode Hall students participated in the Harold G. Fox Moot this past weekend. The moot was founded by Professor Emir Mohammed (IP Osgoode Research Affiliate), Mohammed Hashim both of Windsor Law School and the partnership of Dimock Stratton LLP. Students from seven different law schools took part in the first two rounds of preliminary mooting.

After advancing through the semi-final rounds, Western’s team of Shane Gonsalves and Adriana Morrison won the moot in the finals, with McGill taking second place.

The Donald F. Sim Award for Best Oral Advocate was handed out to Adrian Howard from the University of Ottawa.

The Gordon F. Henderson Award for the Best Factum Writers was given to Tavengwa Runyowa and Matthew Paik from the University of Ottawa.

Osgoode’s J.P. Rodrigues was nominated “Mr. Congeniality” by his peers and gave a toast at the evening reception following the competition in honour of Harold G. Fox.

The reception’s highlight was a witty address delivered by Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada (IP Osgoode Advisory Board Member) who along with Justice Roger Hughes of the Federal Court (IP Osgoode Advisory Board Member) and Justice Edgar Sexton of the Federal Court of Appeal presided over the finals and gave the finalists a rigourous grilling true to the form.

Congratulations go to its founders and all participants in making this happen! A special thanks from IP Osgoode goes to Steven Mason, Barry Sookman and Davit Tait from McCarthy Tétrault and Casey Chisick, Shane Hardy and Timothy Pinos from Cassels Brock & Blackwell for helping coach Osgoode’s two teams.

Osgoode Hall Law School at the Harold G. Fox Moot dinner reception

Back row (from left) – Anna Shahid, Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino, the Honourable Justice Roger Hughes, Professor Carys Craig, and Jonathan Giraldi

Front row (from left) – Dan Macdonald, J.P. Rodrigues, Justin Lim, and Gargi Chopra

Other students representing Osgoode at the moot were Virgil Cojocaru and Melanie Larock.  Students who assisted the Osgoode teams prepare for the moot include Ren Bucholz, Fiona Giffen, Ryan Prescott and Essien Udokang.

For more information about the moot, read Professor Emir Mohammed’s blog post on IPilogue, Canada’s Intellectual Property Moot: The Harold G. Fox Moot

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