IP Osgoode

Reflections from the 2010 Harold G. Fox Moot

Nathan Fan, Melanie Larock, Stuart Freen, Joanna Vatavu and Alex Gloor comprised the 2010 Harold G. Fox Moot team for Osgoode Hall. 

Yes, this is the third post on the 2010 Harold G. Fox Moot in the last three weeks. Yes, it will likely be the last one until next year. Still, as a team that was fortunate enough to experience this wonderful weekend we felt that we could lend a different perspective on the topic, and perhaps get a few words of thanks in along the way.

First of all, when talking with participants from other schools it soon became apparent that a good time was had by everyone involved. There are numerous reasons for this. The skillfully drafted problem, regarding the validity of a patent that could arguably be characterized as a method of medical treatment, lent itself to a wide array of inventive arguments and so ensured that researching the case was never boring. Once the weekend began, His Honour Judge Michael Fysh QC, SC gave a terribly engaging opening lecture, ensuring a light hearted atmosphere and also that the participants in the first round of competition had completely turned their minds away from any last minute preparations. While Judge Fysh mentioned his upcoming retirement, he could certainly begin a second distinguished career on the public speaking circuit. Finally, the proceedings themselves were tremendously engaging thanks to the remarkable panels comprised of leading IP practitioners as well as numerous judges. Every round of the competition had at least one member of the judiciary on the bench, and in the finals we had the honour of appearing in front of Supreme Court Justice Louis LeBel, along with other distinguished panelists.

Such enjoyable proceedings could only have occurred with the tremendous organization and significant time commitments that were apparent throughout the competition. Individual sponsors are too numerous to thank, though they all have our appreciation. However, in particular, it was obvious that virtually the entire office of Dimock Stratton LLP had sacrificed their weekend during the competition, and far more than that in preparation of the moot. The same goes for the founder of the moot, Professor Crowne-Mohammed, and the entire crew from Windsor Law.

Finally, on a personal level, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks to everyone who lent a helping hand to five students who dove off the deep end without any idea what they were getting into. In particular, we would especially like to thank our coaches Tim Pinos, Shane Hardy and Casey Chisick for invaluable advice and the tremendous time commitment that it took to get us on track. Also, we would like to thank Rex Shoyama, Professor Giuseppina D’Agostino and Professor Ikechi Mgbeoji for supporting the moot at Osgoode Hall, and Rex Shoyama in particular for acting as an on-campus coach along the way. Finally, Justice Karen Weiler graciously donated her time and advice at a time when it was needed the most.

With such success and support in only its second year of operation, the Harold G. Fox Moot promises a long and “upstanding” future.

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