IP Osgoode

Made in Italy Act

Giovanni Maria Riccio is Professor of Private Comparative Law at the University of Salerno and is also an associate in the Mazzetti Rossi e Associate law firm in Italy.

The Industrial Production Committee of the Italian Parliament has finally approved a draft bill which enforces use of a ‘made in Italy’ label on every product belonging to the textile, wear, footwear and leather industrial sectors. The principal purpose of the law is to guarantee the origin of the products, making clear which goods have been produced in Italy and which ones abroad.

The new law also introduces the notion of ‘product predominantly manufactured in Italy’. In fact, the ‘made in Italy’ label will be granted exclusively when at least two phases of the manufacturing process have been carried in Italy. According to this regulation, Italian companies have to display the country of origin on products made overseas. The law will come into force in six months, in order to notify the text of the law to the European Commission and to avoid proceedings for infraction.

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