IP Osgoode

C-61 and Canadian Copyright Law

“Not all Sides represented in the debate on copyright bill” was published in the Toronto Star, June 19, AA8.

The long-awaited copyright bill is about much more than copying music onto iPods or throwing kids in jail (and, no, the bill doesn’t endorse this, contrary to sensationalized beliefs). The bill is important and affects us all. Since Bill C-61, An Act to Amend the Copyright Act, was tabled on June 12, opponents and proponents have been loud in blasting or praising the government. It has sent the online and offline world into a frenzy.

Welcome to the copyright combat zone. When it comes to copyright reform, stakeholders and their advocates from all sides insult, condemn, lobby and oversimplify. While it is great that copyright is finally the talk at the water cooler, how unfortunate that the debate in Canada is distilled to positional and hostile battles. Not even all sides are represented: creators are often lost in the mix of what is now a contest between users and owners. Sadly, Canadians suffer because they are left with misinformation and sound bites.

Read more http://www.thestar.com/comment/article/445688

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